New Performance Standards for Industrial Accelerometers at ground breaking prices.

DJB Instruments (UK) Ltd is setting
a new standard for the low cost industrial accelerometer marketplace by
introducing a new design and build of their A/140 range, using their unique Konic Shear®
Historically DJB have focused
on the Test & Measurement vibration market, supplying unique sensors for
product developments in the Automotive, Aerospace and Defence markets to name
just a few, leading the way with miniaturisation in addition to high
temperature testing up to 900°C.
But with this launch they enter the competitive ‘low cost’ machine health
monitoring market with an offering that will provide a completely new solution
at a cost never seen before.
The new range has a very low and competitive starting price for a single axis 100mV/g IEPE accelerometer (A/140) which also benefits
from the unique DJB developed Konic Shear® technology. The combination of low cost and Konic Shear® means significant improvements in
cross axis control without any cost penalty, providing a step up from
compression and shear plate designs used by other manufacturers.
The technically superior A/140
range is sealed to IP67 and manufactured in corrosion resistant stainless steel
for use in harsh environments. At only 85 grams, it is typically 25% lighter
than its competitors and has a low noise floor. With a range of cabling
solutions also available, it offers unrivalled performance at low cost, in a
package that is a direct replacement for other existing solutions.
Gary Chadwick, DJB’s
Operations Manager said of the design, ‘The Konic Shear® design continues to provide consistent cross axis control
despite the inevitable degradation of polarisation that occurs in all
piezoelectric materials, this unique feature means the potential 40% errors
that can occur in cross axis are avoided over prolonged use, a critical aspect
of accelerometer technology overlooked by 90% of users.’
The A/140 IEPE accelerometer is available in several different versions:
· Mil-C-5015 2 pin top connector – A/140
· Integral top entry cable – A/140/C
· Integral side entry cable - A/140/SC
· Waterproof integral cable, top entry – A/140/W
· Waterproof integral cable, side entry – A/140/SW
Click here for the full range with technical data sheets available for each device
Neill Ovenden, DJB’s Managing
Director followed up by saying, ‘Our high temperature industrial accelerometers
have been part of the UK’s power generation capability for over 40 years and
these new low cost accelerometers bring that pedigree and performance to the
wider industrial machine monitoring market.’
The new A/140 range is available now, for a quotation please contact our sales team.
DJB Instruments UK Ltd Sales +44 (0) 1638 712 288 or email