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Specialist Cable Assemblies - Anything IS possible  

Djb Cables

In the world of sensors and instrumentation there are many different types of sensor, both static and dynamic, in addition to an almost endless array of applications and in a vast majority of these installations a cable is still required to connect the sensor to the data acquisition, recording or analysis system.  

There is an almost inevitable drive towards wireless communication and as with most enlightened sensor manufacturers DJB Instruments UK Ltd are working on the development of a new generation of miniature wireless Piezoelectric accelerometers, however that is not the focus of this article. Despite the wireless world there will always be applications and challenges that require the use of cables and wherever possible it falls to the manufacturer to be flexible and offer solutions, however novel, rather than the standard response ‘It can’t be done.’

In the last few months DJB have been involved in a variety of applications where a completely new cable has been designed and manufactured to meet the unique needs of their customer.  

In one requirement, the customer’s challenge was to measure vibration in an oil and gas application, under water, using three biaxial accelerometers, each required its own ground connection. Due to the installation restrictions and the need for long cable runs there was a limited space available to get all six signals and three ground wires to the data acquisition system, not something any standard cable is configured to handle. DJB proposed a unique 9 core accelerometer signal cable with an outer diameter of just 3.6mm (ET36), each core was individually coloured for identification purposes and spliced to the standard 4 core cable used with DJB’s AT/14 general purpose triaxial accelerometers. The cable was produced in just 4 weeks to meet the demanding delivery schedule, before heading to the USA to be installed in a stainless steel tube and returning to DJB for splicing and connector fitting.

Another project was slightly different but again required a unique solution. This time it did not involve accelerometers and DJB worked solely as the cable assembly supplier utilising its 40-year experience of the transmission of sensor signals to offer an efficient and neat solution.  

The challenge: To attach multiple charge devices to a data acquisition system via a single cable to avoid complex cabling and the risk of cable tangling when using 20 to 30m cables. For this application DJB proposed a 6 core low noise cable with an anti-microphonic low noise layer to avoid triboelectric noise and an overall diameter of just 3.0mm (LT30). This was the first time DJB had ever proposed such a cable with excellent results and a uniquely simple and neat solution.

We have always tried to continue to offer a bespoke service and our consumption of more standard sensor cables is such we have excellent relationships with cable manufacturers which means we can be very supportive of special requests. Other recent projects have involved bespoke Zero Halogen cables for the rail industry, so we are always being kept on our toes.

DJB has an extensive cable assembly capability offering everything from simple microdot, BNC, LEMO, SMA etc. sensor leads through to complex junction box and interface panels with a high level of customisation for individual customer needs. Almost any connector can be fitted as long as it is commercially available and the range of off the shelf standard cables covers a vast majority of application needs.  

Why Choose DJB Instruments?

If you are considering updating your current sensors/instrumentation, it’s well worth a call or drop us an email. We are ready and able to aid your bespoke requirements as well as offering full technical support/training when you need it most. When considering the size of DJB’s global competitors DJB customer service packs a huge punch, a real confidence booster when the time comes and you need support and advice, it’s nice to know DJB will have your back 110%. One thing is for sure, Customer Service is a top priority.

Are you happy with your current setup or need technical advice to support your work? Let us be part of your future. Would you like to be part of ours?

For more details and to receive a quotation call Sales on +44 (0) 1638 712 288 or email