High Shock Piezo-Tronic IEPE Accelerometer A/161
0.5mV/g ∙ 10gm ∙ -40°C to 121°C
Model Variations
A/161, A/161-1
Available with an M5 Microdot connector (A/161) or lightweight integral cable (A/161-1) the high shock accelerometer range use piezo-ceramic shear sensors with IEPE circuitry to allow direct connection to a wide range of acquisition hardware or to one of DJB Instruments range of Voltage source amplifiers.
- Impact Testing
- Structural Testing
- Crash Testing
Developed for demanding applications requiring the measurement of high amplitude, short duration transient events such as pyrotechnic shock or high energy impacts, the A/161 IEPE accelerometer has a range of ±10,000g and a sensitivity of 0.5mV/g (±10%).
The design of standard accelerometers has limitations when used for shock applications, these can either be due to the short duration of the transient event or due to the high level of the shock amplitude, either of these elements can cause issues for standard vibration sensors and the hybrid electronics used in these IEPE accelerometers. To overcome these issues the A/161 has in built filters; both electrical and mechanical which ensure the response is linear across a wide frequency band (1Hz to 15kHz) and up to a peak amplitude measurement of 10,000g.
The A/161 is also designed to withstand over testing, though measuring up to 10,000g the accelerometer has a physical built in protection up to 30,000g, this is necessary due to the highly variable and sometimes unpredictable nature of pyrotechnic events.
Other applications requiring high transient acceleration
measurements can include:
Pile Driver Monitoring
Simulated Pyroshock Event
Recoil and Penetration
Impact Press Monitoring
Explosive Studies
Armour Piercing
All DJB Accelerometers are calibrated on site prior to despatch, and are accompanied by a calibration chart with temperature and frequency responses listed. Periodic calibration can be carried out with our VC-01 Handheld Calibrator whilst we also offer a full calibration service including cross axis checks to aid accuracy of data. We are able to provide this service for all makes of accelerometer with a full report given for each device. Please contact us with an enquiry
Cable Assembly and Repair Service
- Cable Repair Service to make current cabling as good as new, cutting costs whilst good for the environment
- Specialist Cable Assembly - for all manufacturers
- Cable and connector stock held for a quick turnaround