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Accelerometer Mounting Guide

Technical Information

Full Accelerometer range

This guide outlines the differences between the types of Accelerometer available.

Accelerometer mounting is a critical part of the testing process and one that is most commonly overlooked having little attention paid to it. To maximise data accuracy the accelerometer must be closely coupled with thes test item and a poor mounting method can introduce significant errors into the data, particularly as frequency levels rise. Please see our Mounting Guide for more information on the types of mounting available or feel free to contact us should you need further advise.

Stud Mount

Accelerometer stud

This is the best and most effective method of mounting an accelerometer.  However, there is a need to drill holes in your test item which is not always possible. Stud mounting will give the best frequency response at high levels and to improve coupling a small amount of silicone spray can be used on the test surface prior to mounting the accelerometer.  Always use the manufacturers recommended mounting torque when tightening the accelerometer.

Click here for Mounting stud options

Magnetic Mounts

Magnetic accelerometer mount
Magnetic mounts can offer quite high frequency responses but are obviously only appropriate for test items with magnetic surfaces and are more often used for machine monitoring applications. Magnets used are generally of high pull force and as such can damage surfaces if not used appropriately.

Click here for magnets

Clip Mounts

accelerometer clip mount

Clips can be used for low frequency testing such as Modal analysis and are an ideal way of installing triaxial accelerometers in such a way as to make their X,Y,Z axes line up regardless of their mounting orientation. This also means clips can be left in place which makes repeating of the test easier.

Click here to look for the AT/11, AT/13 and A/136 accelerometers designed to suit clip mounting.

Adhesive Mounts

This is probably the second most commonly used mounting method, however it is also the one that can cause the most problems. It is essential that a minimum amount of adhesive is used, too much and it can cause damping to the vibration transmission. Cyanoacrylate is an excellent adhesive for this application due to its thin consistency. When removing an accelerometer that has been stuck down. DO NOT knock it off sideways.  It should be twisted off using a spanner or removal tool. Always remove old adhesive before refitting an accelerometer and in doing so try not to damage the base of the accelerometer.

Petro Wax 

Petroleum based wax is a great way of carrying out Modal testing and other quick ‘look see’ type tests due to the ease of removal and refitting.  However, it should only be used for relatively low frequency testing and as with adhesive, a minimal amount of wax should be used due to the potential for damping to occur. Petrowax should only be used at ambient conditions as temperature will render the wax useless. Sliding the accelerometer into place with the wax on the base creates a good bond and removes excess wax.

Available in 25mm square boxes.

Colour - Purple of course!