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Connectors and Joiners

Connector Datasheet

 Joiner Datasheet

Connectors and cabling are typically the weakest part of any measurement system. Thus, choosing the right cable is of critical importance for any test system.

Our range of connectors are available pre-fitted to cable or as loose connectors to fit yourself, we also supply fitting tools and instructions.

For applications requiring cables running over a long distance see our range of line drivers.

DJB Instruments offer a wide range of variations on standard, as well as custom connectors.



E - Epoxy



Product Code


Product Code


4P-1  ¼-28 UNF 4 pin connector plug  MPS  10-32 UNF microdot plug sealed IP64
4S  M4.5mm, 4 pin connector socket  MR  right angled 10-32 UNF microdot plug
4S-1  ¼-28 UNF 4 pin connector socket  MS  10-32 UNF microdot socket
7P  2 pole 7/16 UNS free plug  SMB  SMB connector
7S  2 pole 7/16 UNS free socket  SMB-2   SMB clamp connector
BC  BNC plug  SMBS   SMB crimp plug fitted to 2.8mm cable
FC103  Fischer 6 pole series 103 connector  SMC  SMC crimp plug
KP  M3.5 mini-microdot plug  SS   sealed flanged 10-32 UNF microdot plug IP64
KP5  5-44 UNC mini-microdot plug  SSMC  sub miniature SMC connector
L8  connector for A/28/E  TC  TNC clamp plug
LP5  Lemo 5 pin plug  TCHB  TNC clamp plug with heatshrink boot
LP7  Lemo 7 pin plug  TP   lemo mini twin plug
LP8  Lemo 8 pin plug  TS  TNC socket clamp

 microdot plug fpr 2.5mm tri-ax hardline cable high. temp.

M5  M5 microdot plug    
MP  10-32 UNF microdot plug    
 2 pole connector