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Model Image Description
IEPE Signal Conditioning and Voltage Source Amplifiers
CV1 Cv1 Web 导轨式安装电荷和电压滤波器/放大器可用于永久性安装,对于电荷型加速度计,可以用作电荷放大器,对于IEPE型加速度计,则可以作为电压放大器。
VB/01 Vb01 低成本电池供电的IEPE信号调理仪,集成了IEPE加速度计的供电电源。该部件采用标准的工业级BNC作为输入输出接口,适用任何品牌的加速度计。
VB/02 Vb02 Web Low cost battery powered IEPE signal conditioning unit, with integrated power supply for IEPE Accelerometers. The unit operates with industry standard BNC output/input for use with accelerometers from any manufacturer. The VB/02 has the additional function of x1, x10, x100 gain via a 3 position switch
V4/04 V404 4通道电压放大器,用于模块化的信号调理系统。用于多个加速度计,紧凑型设计。该模块增益可调,并提供IEPE加速度计的供电电源。
CV9 Cv9 Web 9通道放大器。机架式简易安装,可以用作电荷放大器,或者IEPE加速度计的电压放大器,有或者电压和电荷的组合型版本。DC供电可选。
CV3 Cv3 Cv 3 Channel Amplifier. Compact and lightweight for use in the field or lab, DC powered, available as a charge amplifier for PE piezoelectric accelerometers, or as a voltage amplifier for IEPE Accelerometers or ask about the combined Charge & IEPE version.