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The A/140 range of accelerometers are rugged low cost industrial units for use in a wide variety of applications including wind turbines, steel mills, oil pipelines, trains, machine monitoring, bearing analysis and many others. The A/140 series is manufactured from corrosion resistant stainless steel which is fully integrally sealed against environmental effects, with a Military style 2 pin Mil-C-5015 type connector side mounted it offers considerable benefits whilst ensuring a minimal cost per item.

With lower mass than many similar industrial accelerometers and industry standard ¼-28 UNF mounting screw which is supplied, it is a direct replacement for current devices on the market.

A/140 A140 Web 100mV/g (±10%) 85gm -50°C to 120°C
A/140/SC A140sc Web A 100mV/g (±10%) 149gm -50°C to 120°C
A/140/C A140c Web 100mV/g (±10%) 99gm -50°C to 120°C