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Micro g Piezoelectric Accelerometer A/800

9nC/g nom.  ∙  400-429gm  ∙  -50°C to 250°C Max Temp

Model Variations

A/800, A/800/T, A/800/TC


• Robust Design
• Konic Shear Sensing Element.
• High Operating Temperature of up to 250°C Standard
• Ultra High Sensitivity - 9nC/g output



Highest sensitivity multiple shear plate vibration transducers intended for micro g level measurement – virtual immunity to strain input side effects provides guarantee of low frequency, measurement integrity. System nose level of 10-2pC is equivalent to 1mg. With bandwidth restricted to 1 kHz, noise floor should be significantly below this. Bear in mind that charge amplifier noise increases as a function of input capacitance – noise assessment should be made with the charge amplifier input correctly terminated. The transducer adds mass at its point of attachment to a structure, thus imposes a transparency constraint above which data corruption will be excessive. The single degree of freedom example where MT represents the transducer mass, reduces  by 3% for a transducer adding 10% to the structure mass. Application area of the A/800 is thus limited in scope to low level vibration surveys in the civil engineering and heavy engineering domain

This Accelerometer is also available as an IEPE version -A/1800.



All DJB Accelerometers are calibrated on site prior to despatch, and are accompanied by a calibration chart with temperature and frequency responses listed. Periodic calibration can be carried out with our VC-01 Handheld Calibrator whilst we also offer a full calibration service including cross axis checks to aid accuracy of data. We are able to provide this service for all makes of accelerometer with a full report given for each device. Please contact us with an enquiry

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