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Industrial Piezoelectric Accelerometer A/52/F

100pC/g nom. A/52/F 12pC/g nom. A/52/F/HT  ∙  100-123gm exc. cable  ∙  260-400°C

Model Variations

A/52/F, A/52/F/HT


• Close tolerance output
• Temperature calibration to 300°C
• Proof pressure testing to 100bar
• Cable/connector options




Industrial grade vibration transducers with integral hardline cable, available in two temperature ratings, and suitable for long term monitoring of plant and machinery in environments likely to be deleterious to less robust products. A/52/F’s have operated reliably, on plant subjected to continuous use for periods of up to 10 years. This is not fortuitous, but is borne of rigorous, application specific testing related to actual usage. We recommend proof pressure testing and elevated temperature hardening where appropriate to help build in the requisite level confidence.

A/52’s are built around the KONIC sensing element, characterised by minimal response to physical inputs other than axial acceleration, and feature all welded construction, including integral hardline cable terminations.



All DJB Accelerometers are calibrated on site prior to despatch, and are accompanied by a calibration chart with temperature and frequency responses listed. Periodic calibration can be carried out with our VC-01 Handheld Calibrator whilst we also offer a full calibration service including cross axis checks to aid accuracy of data. We are able to provide this service for all makes of accelerometer with a full report given for each device. Please contact us with an enquiry

Cable Assembly and Repair Service

  • Cable Repair Service to make current cabling as good as new, cutting costs whilst good for the environment
  • Specialist Cable Assembly - for all manufacturers
  • Cable and connector stock held for a quick turnaround