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Piezo-Tronic Triaxial IEPE Accelerometer - AT/14

1mV/g up to 200mV/g  ∙  13-16.6gm  ∙  -55°C to 125°C

Model Variations

AT/14, AT/14/TB, ATI/14/TB


• Adhesive Mounting or 10/32 tapped base.
• Lightweight Titanium Design
• KONIC Shear Sensing Element.



  • Modal Analysis of lightweight structures
  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Impact Testing
  • Vibration Shaker Testing
  • Structural Testing

A lightweight general purpose triaxial vibration transducer comprising of three voltage output piezo-electric sensing elements mounted orthogonally within a titanium block with welded construction. The AT/14 is based upon the unique DJB Konic Shear design and maybe considered as an alternative to the A/131 or A/134. However, the latter by virtue of being a grouping of single axis devices, are repairable and in addition the physical separation of the cable leads to visible signal axis traceability.

With a ¼-28 UNF 4 pin connector and ruggedized single cables with three BNC labelled breakout leads the AT/14 is well suited to Automotive/Aerospace applications.


All DJB Accelerometers are calibrated on site prior to despatch, and are accompanied by a calibration chart with temperature and frequency responses listed. Periodic calibration can be carried out with our VC-01 Handheld Calibrator whilst we also offer a full calibration service including cross axis checks to aid accuracy of data. We are able to provide this service for all makes of accelerometer with a full report given for each device. Please contact us with an enquiry

Cable Assembly and Repair Service

  • Cable Repair Service to make current cabling as good as new, cutting costs whilst good for the environment
  • Specialist Cable Assembly - for all manufacturers
  • Cable and connector stock held for a quick turnaround