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Ultra High Temp. Water Cooled Piezo-Tronic Triaxial IEPE Accelerometer

1mV/g up to 250mV/g  ∙  38gm/46gm  ∙  -50°C to 900°C Max Temp WITH WATER FLOW

Model Variations

A/133/V-3 - Flat base; A/133/V-10 Raised base


• 1 x 5.5mm cut through hole for mounting.
• Lightweight Titanium Design
• KONIC Shear Sensing Element.
• Operating Temperature on surfaces of up to 900°C with water cooling.
• Temperature range without water flow - -50°C to +125°C - standard
• Connector - Microdot socket 10/32UNF
• 1mV/g up to 250mV/g Sensitivity (±10%).


  • Modal Analysis of lightweight structures
  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • High Temperature
  • Exhaust Testing
  • Turbo Charger Testing

The A/133/V IEPE range of voltage triaxial accelerometers feature ultra high temperature usage on surfaces up to 900°C. Developed as solutions for Vibration Measurements on exhaust pipes or engine turbo collectors, they have since found uses in many other high temperature test applications.  Mono-axial versions can also be supplied on request, axis selection to suit customer application.  Water flow is via two titanium pipes and it’s recommended that the flow rate of 0.5 litres/min is maintained permanently when in use at high temperature. Failure to do so could lead to injury and damage to the unit.  It is recommended at the highest temperatures a constant supply of chilled cooling water should be used.  The A/133/V consists of 3 mono axial voltage accelerometers mounted into an anodized aluminium block. This allows the advantage of single axis repair if required.  Accessories: Silicone tubing General purpose 12V pump


All DJB Accelerometers are calibrated on site prior to despatch, and are accompanied by a calibration chart with temperature and frequency responses listed. Periodic calibration can be carried out with our VC-01 Handheld Calibrator whilst we also offer a full calibration service including cross axis checks to aid accuracy of data. We are able to provide this service for all makes of accelerometer with a full report given for each device. Please contact us with an enquiry

Cable Assembly and Repair Service

  • Cable Repair Service to make current cabling as good as new, cutting costs whilst good for the environment
  • Specialist Cable Assembly - for all manufacturers
  • Cable and connector stock held for a quick turnaround