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Calibration Neill


With our own in-house calibration test facilities for the calibration of accelerometers, as well as other instruments, we can provide a service for both OEM and non-OEM piezoelectric accelerometers. Our equipment is traceable to National Standards.

Cables Neill

Cable Assembly

DJB provides a bespoke cable assembly service offering a vast range of cables from just 0.8mm diameter, including low noise and armoured solutions whilst offering wide range of connectors made both in house and off the shelf. Cables can be supplied to cover a range of operating temperatures.

Connector Small

Cable Repairs

We can look at any special cable requests (connectors, marking, labels, armour, etc) and also repair cables. Cables can be supplied to cover a range of operating temperatures. Our cable assembly service has a fast turn around, with flexible specification options.

Training Neill


A range of instrument housed modules are available. The modules are designed to process the piezoelectric charge in order to extract specific data. These housings can be arranged to suit any practicable module combination.